Global Marketing & Innovation Advisor
Satjiv S. Chahil, Global Marketing & Innovations Advisor, is a widely acknowledged marketing pioneer and catalyst for commercializing life-changing technologies and innovations. According to Fortune, “Few executives have had greater influence shaping marketing in Silicon Valley than Satjiv Chahil.” The Wall Street Journal said, “Even in Silicon Valley, where cutting-edge advertising is the norm and marketing genius legion, Satjiv Chahil and his resume stand out.” He has held the top marketing positions at Apple, Palm and HP, and has served as a C Level advisor to a wide range of industries and companies, including: BMW, Sony, Beats, and Swarovski. Chahil has a Master’s degree from the American (Thunderbird) Graduate School of International Management and has attended Stanford Law School’s Directors College.
Abstract: Inspirations – Innovations – Impact! Through this presentation personal stories/examples from IBM, Xerox, Apple, Palm, HP, Sony etc. will be shared.