Discover the Spiritual Essence of Gurbani with Leena Singh

Discover the Spiritual Essence of Gurbani with Leena Singh

Discover the Spiritual Essence of Gurbani with Leena Singh
Join us at Gurdwara Sahib Singh Sabha in Milpitas for a transformative journey into the heart of Gurbani, guided by the insightful Leena Singh. This free, six-week series titled “Unveiling the Essence of Gurbani” promises to enlighten and inspire as we explore the profound teachings embedded within the Nitname and Rehras banis.

Why Attend?
Gurbani, the sacred script of the Sikhs, offers not just spiritual guidance but also practical wisdom for everyday life. Each session with Leena Singh is designed to deepen your understanding of key concepts such as Naam, Hukam, and Sehaj, which are essential to Sikh philosophy and personal growth.
Schedule and Topics:

  • April 28th: What is Naam? Dive into the meaning of Mool Mantar and explore Sodar Bani.
  • May 5th: What is Hukam? Understand the directives within Nitnem and Rehras Banis.
  • May 26th: What is Haumai? A session dedicated to understanding ego through the lens of Gurbani.
  • June 9th: What is Sehaj? Achieve spiritual balance by studying relevant verses.
  • June 23rd: What is Sacha? Embrace truth as we continue exploring Rehras Bani.
  • July 7th: What is Jeevan Mukat? Discuss the concept of a liberated life.

Each session begins at 12:30 PM at the serene location of the Gurdwara on South Milpitas Blvd, offering a perfect setting for reflection and learning.

Who Should Attend?
This series is open to anyone interested in Sikh teachings or seeking spiritual enrichment. Whether you are new to Sikhism or looking to deepen your understanding, these sessions will offer valuable insights and a supportive community atmosphere.

No Registration Required:
This is a free event, and no prior registration is required. Just come with an open heart and mind. For more details, feel free to contact

A Community Endeavor:
Hosted by The Sikh Foundation International, this series is part of an ongoing effort to educate and inspire through the wisdom of Gurbani. By participating, you join a community of learners who are on a quest to lead more meaningful lives.

We look forward to welcoming you to “Unveiling the Essence of Gurbani” and sharing this enriching experience. Remember, the paths of spiritual inquiry are not just about learning but living the teachings every day. Join us and transform your understanding and your life with the timeless wisdom of Gurbani.